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About me

Hello! I’m Laura Anderson

I am a psychologist and my goal is to partner with you to enhance the quality of your life. Whether you are dealing with something specific or are seeking increased satisfaction and balance in life, I’m here to help.
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What I Offer



There are over a thousand different named psychotherapies, some being minor variations while others are based on very different conceptions of...

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Grief & Loss

Grief & Loss

Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. In addition/opposition...

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Psychologists consider the organism the basis of the mind, and therefore a vitally related area of study. Psychiatrists and neuropsychologists...

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The majority of psychologists are involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counseling, or school settings. Many perform...

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Couples & relationship


Età adulta

Età adulta

Difficoltà sul lavoro, incomprensione nel rapporto coi figli e nella coppia. Di frequente, queste situazioni divengono insostenibili per l’adulto...

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Rabbia, confusione, inadeguatezza riflettono la trasformazione che il giovane sta vivendo. Spesso la ribellione si associa ad una crisi...

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Terza età

Terza età

L’avanzare dell’età comporta sovente disturbi dell’umore e una difficile accettazione del cambiamento della propria situazione fisica e cognitiva...

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Hilary Thompson

Being a single mom makes your life miserable. If it wasn't for a psychologist, I would have lost it. Now I know it is never too late to ask for help. Thank you, Doctor. It really worked.

Hilary Thompson, mother of two
Martin Fischer

Most of the time we do not realize how great the life is. Dr. Laura Anderson helps people start feeling alive and believe in themselves! I appreciate your time and professional service!

Martin Fischer, office manager
Anna Smith

I recommend this doctor to all my friends. With the help of your books and blog articles I was able to find answers to many questions. It feels great to know what you want in life.

Anna Smith, student