About me
Hello! I’m Laura Anderson
i say hallo and
What I Offer
There are over a thousand different named psychotherapies, some being minor variations while others are based on very different conceptions of...
Learn MoreGrief & Loss
Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. In addition/opposition...
Learn MoreCoaching
Psychologists consider the organism the basis of the mind, and therefore a vitally related area of study. Psychiatrists and neuropsychologists...
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The majority of psychologists are involved in some kind of therapeutic role, practicing in clinical, counseling, or school settings. Many perform...
Learn MoreCouples & relationship
Età adulta
Difficoltà sul lavoro, incomprensione nel rapporto coi figli e nella coppia. Di frequente, queste situazioni divengono insostenibili per l’adulto...
Learn MoreAdolescenza
Rabbia, confusione, inadeguatezza riflettono la trasformazione che il giovane sta vivendo. Spesso la ribellione si associa ad una crisi...
Learn MoreTerza età
L’avanzare dell’età comporta sovente disturbi dell’umore e una difficile accettazione del cambiamento della propria situazione fisica e cognitiva...
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